Free Access to News-O-Matic for Schools and Students
The COVID-19 outbreak has affected students and school communities around the world. Many school districts have suspended classes to slow the spread of the illness. And millions of kids have questions about how to navigate these confusing times.
We believe it is critical for students to have a safe, age-appropriate resource for global news. In the wake of the coronavirus and school closures, this is more important now than ever before. That’s why we are offering schools and students free access to News-O-Matic through June 30, 2020.
We want to help minimize educational disruption and keep young readers informed about their world. We are working closely with experts (including a pediatrician and child psychologist) who will answer questions and help kids understand this difficult time. And we are committed to engaging young readers every day, no matter where in the world they are. News-O-Matic can be accessed by desktop, phone, or tablet to facilitate learning at any time and any place.
If you are a teacher or school leader, click here and fill out this simple form. to create your account and receive free access for your class to News-O-Matic. Once you’ve created your account, you will be able to create your class and set logins / passwords for your students. Then, please share these logins with your students using your existing communication channel such as email. And you’re all set!
News-O-Matic is also free for families through the end of the 2019-2020 school year. Click here to know more.
Please do not hesitate to visit our FAQ or contact us at should you have any questions. Stay safe!
– The News-O-Matic Team
We’ve detailed here all the required steps to get you and your class onboard.